Archive for the ‘About us…’ Category

Start Small… Dream Big…

Posted: October 18, 2010 in About us...

It started with a heart filled with compassion for the people in Indonesia, desiring to make an impact for them. The fire started when Mel was inspired by a friend who started a small fundraising just like what we are trying to do now, trying to be a channel to help the education of people in Indonesia. She told me about what this friend has done in a simple text message, and my heart starts to have a burden too…

This has been a mission in my life too–to be able to help people in my country and make some impact in their life, but it never comes to my mind that Mel would have the same heart as me. When she told me about her desire to do this, without thinking too much, I texted her, “Let’s do it!!!” overwhelmed with excitement. Right away, we started to think, rumbling with ideas of what can we do, who can we help, when should we start, what specific area should we focus on, etc. We are just filled with much excitement that we can be a channel to do what we desired to do!!

So far, it’s only the two of us… But, we are confident that even with only the two of us as a start, we can still make some impact. Start small, dream big. Right now, we are trying to try to do some fundraising by doing charity events, garage sales, and many more ideas to come. And ALL the money that we will raise, will ALL be given to some specific group(s) of people or person(s) that need(s) help in terms of health. Yes, we will be focusing on health. Why? At first, we were thinking of focusing in education, but then, there are many people who are focusing on this. So, we decided to have a focus on health instead.

Now, we are praying and hoping that someday, we can eventually be a real organization that makes a real huge impact to our country… but for now, we are still thankful that He gives us the opportunity and desire to do this!

(If anyone have any suggestion on what else can we do… or if you have anyone in mind, a group of Indonesians or even a person, that we can help financially in terms of health… please, please, please… don’t hesitate to post a comment!!! We will truly appreciate it!)

— Felly (10/19/2010)